Monday, October 23, 2017

State Life-The If of life

This post state life ensures the "IF" of LIFE" was first published here.We are thankful to them.Thank you.Uncertainty of life is a fact:It all depends upon the "if" of "Life".State life ensures the "IF" of LIFE."88% of women see life insurance as a gift of love."This wedding ceremony are you looking for a special gift for your wife?If yes,i have an idea for you.An idea how you can save big and get even a lot bigger.
A great and glorious opportunity for you.
Now you can be an associate business partner with the largest and the trusted life insurance company of Pakistan.
The State Life.
Become a business partner before 31 DECEMBER and get your share of full years profit?BONUS for the year 2017.
Please feel comfortable and give me (IKRAM) a call now.

0r email

Thanks statelife-online

This post state life ensures the "IF" of LIFE"
was first published here. 
Thanks for the post.

Uncertainty of life is a fact:It all depends upon the "if" of "Life".State life ensures the "IF" of LIFE."88% of women see life insurance as a gift of love."This wedding ceremony are you looking for a special gift for your wife?If yes,i have an idea for you.An idea how you can save big and get even a lot bigger.

A great and glorious opportunity for you.
Now you can be an associate business partner with the largest and the trusted life insurance company of Pakistan.
The State Life.
Become a business partner before 31 DECEMBER and get your share of full years profit?BONUS for the year 2017.
Please feel comfortable and give me (IKRAM) a call now.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Geo State life-billionaire

Mystery Billionaire from California, United States Buys World's Most Expensive Record-Breaking and Record Setting $201 Million Life Insurance Policy.
And get even
 a lot bigger
What is his name?Who holds this record?How old he is?This is mystery.His name and age has not been disclosed due to safety reasons.The insured and the insurer both are silent.This massive policy has been closed by Dovi Frances and he only says that the 
Image result for alhamdulillah in arabic
Al-ḥamdu lillāhالحَمْد لله‎) We are gratefull to Allah Almighty The Lord Of All The Worlds.He Exalted taught us the knowledge which we never knew.To Him we bow our heads in thanks for  His showers of blessings which He bestowed upon us without which this blog would have never seen the light  of the day.

policy belongs to  to a well-known technology billionaire from California.

Now the burning question is: 
animated gif"Why this mystery  billionaire has

 bought such a massive and expensive life 

insurance policy when he  has so many other 


Dovi Frances, founder and managing partner of SG, LLC explains:

“In California, there are state death taxes that are exceptionally high,” “If your properties are leveraged then those loans are called immediately and need to be paid off,” said Frances. “So if you want to head yourself against such a risk [your beneficiary] can receive the proceeds [from life insurance] without being exposed to taxes.”

The millionaires and the billionaires buy life insurance due to  several reasons.
Primary among them are tax purposes, Frances also said
A wealthy estate is hit with a hefty tax bill, and there may not be enough cash to cover it, since many millionaires and billionaires hold their wealth in investments, he said.
 ایک غمزده گهر کا بهترین سهارا

Open an account


 State life now.
let us manage and

take care of your

Life insurance





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 Thanks State Life Online

Friday, January 8, 2016

Special message for the billionaires.
Source of today's post.
Silicon valley billionaire buys record breaking and record setting $201 million life insurance policy.This record breaking and record setting life insurance policy has been sold by Santa Barbara,a Calif based SG,global advisory firm.
The name and the age of the policy holder has not been disclosed due to safety reasons.

Why on earth a billionaire  would  buy such a
record breaking and record setting world's most
 expensive policy?
This is by no way a million dollar question.

By purchasing this policy he infect has managed his risk beautifully and in a decent and respectable way.He has transferred all the risks to the insurers.
It's all about trust and estate planning,Here i quote what Frances said. 
"Having a life insurance policy like this can protect significant assets."

 ایک غمزده گهر کا بهترین سهارا

Open an account


 State life now.
let us manage and

take care of your

Life insurance





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We can also assist you in managing your risk.You can also save big, manage your risk, financially protect and secure your family and become millionaire in only 20 years..

Give me (IKRAM) a call now and Join the family of satisfied  and happy policy holders of Pakistan.


 ایک غمزده گهر کا بهترین سهارا

 بیمه زندگی بهی اورمنا فع  بهی


We are only a click or two away from you. 03234969112 Lahore - Pakistan

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

6th Sep-The Golden Jublie/The Defence Day of Pakistan

The Golden Jubilee-The Sixth September and The Defence day of The Pakistan.
We salute and pay tribute to the 
of the nation for their sacrifices and bravery in defending our beloved home land, 
Exlpore Pakistan!The Pakistan. Exlpore Pakistan!
 who sacrificed theirs today for our better tomorrow. 
If today i celebrate my life, it is because of them.
Web administrator

Image result for thank you animation 
The translation has been generated by
animated gifheute grüßen und eine Hommage an die Märtyrer wir der Nation für ihre Opfer und Mut bei der Verteidigung unserer geliebten Heimat, die ihnen heute für unsere bessere Zukunft geopfert. Wenn ich heute mein Leben zu feiern, ist es, weil von ihnen. 
animated gif Aujourd'hui, nous saluons et rendons hommage aux martyrs
de la nation pour leurs sacrifices et de bravoure dans la défense de notre maison terre bien-aimée,
(Pakistan) qui ont sacrifié leur aujourd'hui pour notre avenir meilleur.
Si aujourd'hui je célèbre ma vie, il est à cause d'eux.

animated gifامروز ما سلام و ادای احترام به شهدا
ملت برای فداکاری و شجاعت خود را در دفاع از سرزمین اصلی عزیز ما،
(پاکستان) که امروز آنها برای فردایی بهتر ما قربانی.
اگر امروز زندگی من جشن می گیرند، آن را به دلیل از آنها است.

 animated gifاليوم نحن نحيي ونشيد الشهداء
الأمة لما قدموه من تضحيات وبسالة في الدفاع عن بلدنا الحبيب أرض الوطن،
(باكستان) الذين ضحوا لهم اليوم لدينا غد أفضل.
إذا كان اليوم الأول احتفال حياتي، فمن بسببها.

animated gif আজ আমরা অভিবাদন এবং শহীদদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানানোর জন্য
আমাদের দয়িত বাড়ি জমি রক্ষার তাদের আত্মত্যাগকে জাতির এবং সাহস নিয়ে,
আমাদের সুন্দর আগামীর জন্য তাহাদেরই আজ উৎসর্গ করেছেন (পাকিস্তান).
আজ আমি আমার জীবনের উদযাপন, তাহলে তা তাদের কারণ হয়.

animated gifआज हम सलाम करते हैं और शहीदों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित
हमारे प्यारे घर भूमि की रक्षा करने में उनके बलिदानों के लिए देश और बहादुरी की,
हमारे बेहतर कल के लिए उनकी आज का बलिदान करने वाले (पाकिस्तान)
आज मैं अपने जीवन का जश्न मनाने के हैं, यह उनमें से क्योंकि है

animated gif Oggi salutiamo e rendere omaggio ai martiri
della nazione per i loro sacrifici e coraggio nel difendere la nostra patria amata,
(Pakistano) che hanno sacrificato la loro oggi per il nostro domani migliore.
Se oggi celebro la mia vita, è a causa di loro.

Thanks state life on line
-هم سب کا دوست
 State Life هما را

Monday, December 23, 2013

Manage And Organize

Where you should keep your life insurance papers?
Photo: ‎زندگی کا بیمہ‎
In today's post we will discuss a very important topic.many of the policy holders purchase life insurance policies with great dedication and enthusiasm.However soon they forget about it.

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میرا دوست-آپکا دوست
-هم سب کا دوست
 State Life هما را
When finally the life insurance contract reaches your hands please study it thoroughly. 
Apparently it looks if the  life insurance adviser's work has finished.However this is for away from truth.His work has not finished yet.Infect his real work starts now.
The life insurance contract issued by the State Life Insurance  Corporation of Pakistan is commonly known as the "POLICY BOND".This policy bond is a very precious should always be in safe hands and at a safe place.You or your loved ones may need it any time.
 Special arrticle written by your life insurance analyst.
What does "HORSE TRADING MEAN"? source

What is "HORSE TRADING"? What does it mean?

Horse Trading Knowledge For Sale. Update your knowledge now.
Horse Trading is a very common word. It is mostly used in business, political circles, and electronic and print media. However,few of us know the real meanings and theme of this word.
                                     Are you one of those?
You are lucky if you are.Otherwise you need to update your knowledge.Please feel comfortable and ask your life insurance analyts now. 
In today’s post Ikram ul Haq Mirza,your life insurance analyst has offered to share the knowledge with the visitors in exchange  for a life insurance policy of sum assured ONE Million only.
It is only going to cost PKR.50 thousand (approximately) per year for 20 years.(Few terms and conditions apply.) Apparently the cost looks too much. But it’s not so.The benefits of the policy are enormous as compared with the cost.
Web Administrator
ا    همارا  STATE LIFE Exlpore Pakistan!ایک غمزده گهر کا بهترین سهارا

Click please and read more

Ikram Ul Haq Mirza
Your Life Insurance Analyst

What is horse trading? Does it mean the “Auction of Horses? Or the “Trading of Horses”? What infect “HORSE TRADING IS”? Does it mean the exchange of horses with money? Is "LOOTA CRACY"or "LOOTA ISM " an urdu translation of horse trading.Is here any horse trading rule or formula? If yes. Then what it is? How it is applied?
Learn tie real theme and secret of horse trading and much more.
What you need to do to get this knowledge?
Give me (IKRAM) a call now. (very simple)You can also send a message.
Arrange a meeting. I am in Lahore.
Get ready to write your life Insurance policy worth One Million to financially protect and secure your loved ones.
Sign the proposal form.
Fix an impression of thumb on the proposal form.
Two photo copies of your CNIC with thumb impression and signature.
Feel the excitement of writing your own life insurance policy.
Write a cross cheque in favor of State Life Insurance Corporation.
Get a receipt.
It will only take you few minutes.However if you want to feel the excitement of writing your policy you may take few more.
Congratulations. Heartiest congratulations. You are done. Now you are ready to exchange the knowledge. 

Just give me (IKRAM) a call now. 
03234969112 Lahore--- Pakistan
I am a click or two away from you.
You may even skype and confirm an appointment.
skype id    statelifeonline
You may please contact the way you feel more comfortable.
Is this way of sharing knowledge “Horse Trading”?
I assure you not.
we appreciate it very much if you share this post with others.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Why Geo State Life Is On Line

The question of the day.
What is "horse trading"?Learn the real secret and update your knowledge now.

Give me (Ikram a) call now
life insurance policies with some description of each plan.The message of State life is very loud.The message is very clear and we are determined to provide live Insurance Cover to every citizen of Pakistan irrespective of caste,creed language and religion.To read more please click,click and click but do not hesitate to contact us.

 Plan TODAY for a better  TOMORROW.We are dedicated and enthusiastic to assist you in your financial security of tomorrow. Contact Us and learn the secrets

Life Insurance but why?

Now a days the life is very busy.It is very unpredictive.So now life insurance policy is a need..It has  now become a necessity and basic  requirement of every family.To have insurance policy of adequate amount is the call of the day.But how much insurance is appropriate and which type of policy you need,it all depends upon your life style.However, the golden rule is that you must spend one months income once in a year to pay the cost of peace of mind,and the sense of security.

In many countries of the world the life insurance is not bought but it is sold.But in Pakistan the trend is quite reverse.Now people love to get insurance cover.Now the trustworthy name of State Life is not new for most of the the Pakistanis.

State Life is pleased when ever a new policy is issued.It's mission is to provide life insurance cover to each and every family of Pakistan.You only need to provide us following informations.let us analyze your needs and requirements and suggest a suitable plan of adequate amount.

Your name:

Your age:

Your monthly income

you contact no.and the best time to contact you.

How much you would like to spend once in a year to protect and provide enough security to your loved ones?The golden rule is you must spend one month's income once in  year to provide a "NAYA JEEVAN" to all those whom you love the most.However, many life insurance experts are of the view that you must pay as premium three times of what you earn in a month once in a year.Only then and then your dependents will be some how able to main their life style.
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Assist your your family now.Help them in starting life after life.Save enough money for the old age.Plan today for a better tomorrow.
By Marki H Meer